The oblivion of the time of fate and the ground for the possibility of givenness
The Nothing reminds beings of being
as such and as a whole: the difference
that is the oblivion of being;
in oblivion of the oblivion.
To progress would mean to remain oblivious.
Yet it would be the progression of an illusion.
To heed the Nothing would be to clear,
to permit the unconcealing of the appearance
of being, its presence. An unfolding
would re-veal, yet being-given,
the givenness of being, as if for the second time,
as we are behind THE AHEAD of ourselves yet always
already ahead of ourselves, nevertheless behind:
the forturn of fate that we trail in our time's turning
behind fate's time: the oblivion of time.
The oblivion of being does not end with the recognition of the preferance for beings over being, a preference that, phenomenologically, can nevertheless find the being-givenness of being in those beings it prefered: all beings mimic, in their essence, the Being of being, that is, the way in which being is, its nature; this Being, the ultimate goal of metaphysics, remains concealed in beings themselves. Yet it is not true that the Being of beings is equivocal to the Being of being. All we can hope for is that this latter Being shows-itself, somehow, out of the (Being of the) beings we can ground. This would be the ulitimate giving, a giving we cannot suppose will/can ever occur. This is the goal of philosophy, a goal that may never be attained.
If B/being is given, it is not that it always already was and is subsequently discovered, but that fate, ahead of us, creates and chooses to reveal to us, in our turn, behind its turn (in which it has done the creation), what it is that we are allowed to discover or "have". This has been the oblivion of being, the oblivion of the time of fate, of the necessity for our being behind time if it is possible that things are given, if fate is possible. Predetermination means that we are "post" of the determining, that we are behind the time that has come "pre" or before our own. This is the condition for the possibility of givenness.
What has always already been is given to us from out of the future.
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