Friday, April 08, 2005


In-difference. A hyphen stands within indifference as the most significant signifier to have ever been. The ground of all being is a relation, is a relation, is a relation… A relation always expresses the in-difference of subject and predicate: an affirmative relation expressing indifference, even if to highlight a difference; the negative relation expressing the in difference of the subject and predicate, even if to outline similarities. In-difference is both indifference and in difference, both indifferent and in difference to/with itself. Being contains nothing and their sublation within itself: phusis is what gives beings over to being in an unfolding that it itself is. As all beings need an opposite or simply something in relation to it in order for it to be, phusis is the en-abling of be-ing, through the permitting of such creation, that is of opposites, to unfold. Phusis en-ables the reciprocity of in-difference to/with itself in Being. Phusis lets being be in-difference. Susan Schoenbaum writes: “What I hear in the German phrase [das aufgehend-verweilende Walten – the emerging-abiding sway] as a whole is something like a dynamic, emerging pulsion of emerging interrelationships among emerging things. The “sway” of phusis is the way in which the coming into being of things determines each thing to be in relation to all the others, so that each has sway or influence over the other.” Does this mean that phusis is what brings about the coming into being of things or that it is the coming into being of things? I think it would mean that phusis is what, in the coming into being of things, allots each thing its relationships through enabling the hen panta. Yet within the one there are differences, or at least we mortals create differences, if even we can create anything at all: this is precisely the reason why, as Schoenbaum continues, “the traditional meanings [full of differences to other beings/things, full of oppositions, ie. techne, nomos, ethos, thesis – with regard to phusis] of both these words [being and phusis] need to be called into question in such a way that the originary – for Heidegger the unitary – meaning of these words is able to emerge.” Time has allowed for difference to invade the sole total encompassing originary word meaning, a word now in difference to itself, a word then indifferent to itself.


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